Last night we slept in a real bed for the first time on the ride. It took a while to adjust, then I was out cold. Real towels too! Pure luxury. Flynn said he has stayed at the New York Waldorf-Astoria and this was more satisfying for him.
Since we're in Texas, the waffle maker at the breakfast bar turned out waffles in the shape of the state (see photo). Gotta love the mentality here.
Our ride to Fort Hancock took less than 4.5 hours, with an elevation gain of 15 to 60 feet. Once we were clear of east El Paso traffic, we rolled past more pecan groves and fields of cotton, sugar beets, tomatoes, chili peppers, beans and onions. Route 76 has a wide shoulder in places and is smooth asphalt, so we cruised. Jerry and Carol encountered the first of many tumbleweeds blowing across the road (see photo).
Gasoline is cheap here (see photo) - $3.36 versus over $4 a gallon in Chicago today. Also, in one town we saw a kiosk that sold drinking water (from a distance we hoped it had fancy coffees) (see photo).
We stopped for a beverage in Fabens. Bob G, Andre and Jerry chatted up the restaurant owner in Spanish (see photo with them, the owner and Carol). I enjoyed horchada, a Mexican milk drink. Most store signs are in Spanish, and the dialogs we hear are all Spanish.
After 20 miles we stopped on the side of the road for a lunch break (see photo Andre took of Jerry, Bruce, Carol and Bob G). A hungry hawk circled overhead. We looked at Carol, the lightest of the group. She said there will be lots of feathers if it tries!
We are staying in a church in the tiny town of Fort Hancock. Jerry scouted out the town and reported that a Good Friday procession was in process for the local Catholic Church (see photos). The walk around town simulated the 12 stations of the cross. At each station a reading was done in both English and Spanish. Bob Plant joined the procession and attended prayers in the church.
After the procession, Bob Pedersen, Julie, Jerry and I stopped for ice cream at the local hardware / food / farm supply store. See the photo for all store offerings including game cocks and horseshoes.
Bob G and Bob Pedersen lucked out cooking tonight. A real kitchen! (see photo).
Bob Pedersen, Andre and I went to the nearby post office and got flat-rate shipping boxes to mail home our cold weather clothing (see photo). I kept one pair of tights and long-fingered gloves, and sent back the remaining cold weather gear. It felt so good to know no more freezing breakfasts!
Bob G and Bob Pedersen served up salad, macaroni and cheese topped with tasty brats, and cheesecake for dessert. Even better, we ate on tables in the church, instead of balancing our plate on a knee. See photo of Terry, Julie and Bruce in line. A bonus is dinner was early since we got here so soon. Nice to relax while it's still light out.
You guys rock